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Wood Burning Stoves - Myths Separating Fact from Fiction

Wood Burning Stoves - Myths Separating Fact from Fiction

There is currently a frenzy of misinformation surrounding wood burning stoves. Most of you hear is incorrect or is confusing stoves with open fires. Burley, who produce some of the most cleanest and efficient wood burning stoves have gone to great lengths to produce the attached leaflet, I hope you find it interesting.

The one myth that caught our attention was Air Quality is worse in winter due to stoves and open fires.  

The myth highlights the type of pollution most commonly associated with the ultrafine particles, PM2.5. The data  (produced to a table) collected random sites across London, including Lewisham, where Westcombes is located, showing the average levels of PM2.5 by month.

 More information is available to review:


For Burley Stoves' full report: Click 


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